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What Is An Outdoor Misting System And How Do They Work?

Outdoor misting systems are a great way to cool down or humidify your home or office. They use a water droplet delivery system to disperse water over an area. This can be used to cool down an area, improve air quality, or moisturize the environment. 

There are many types of outdoor misting systems available on the market today. Some systems use hydro-coolers, while others use evaporative cooling pads. All systems work in essentially the same way by using a water droplet delivery system to send water over an area. The main difference between systems is how they deliver the water droplets and how they heat them up. If you’re looking for more information about Outdoor misting systems, check this out.

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Most outdoor misting systems use either hydro-coolers or evaporatively cooling pads. Hydro-coolers use cold water that is pumped through a refrigerated coil to create a cold stream of water droplets. Evaporative cooling pads work similarly except that the pad uses a fan to blow air over a wet surface that absorbs the moisture from the droplets. 

Both hydro-coolers and evaporatively cooling pads require some type of power supply in order to function properly. Most systems include an electric pump as well as an AC adapter for when you're not near an outlet. Many also include a hose and nozzle for easy application of the water droplets.