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What Is A Sewer Drain Cleaning?

A sewer drain cleaning is a necessary part of maintaining your home’s healthy drainage system. Not only will a regular cleaning help prevent blockages, but it can also save you money in the long run. You can also hire experienced people from Wooten Knockout Plumbing for sewer drain cleaning.

Here are 4 tips on how to clean your sewer drain:

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1. Use a plunger- A plunger is the most effective way to clean a sewer drain. Put one end of the plunger into the drain and push and pull until the suction clears the opening. Be sure to use gloves to protect your hands from sewage residue.

2. Use a hose- If you don’t have access to a plunger, you can use a hose to clear out the drain. Fill up the hose with water and attach it to the spigot on either side of the drain. Turn on the water and wait for it to start flowing down the drain before attempting to remove debris with it.

3. Call an expert- A professional can often do a better job than you when it comes to clearing out a sewer drain. They will have equipment that makes clearing out drains much easier, and they will know how best to use it given your particular situation.

4 Clear obstructions with elbow grease- Sometimes debris will get stuck in small places near the bottom of the pipe, or behind large objects like tree roots or boulders that have fallen into the pipe system over time. If this is happening, try using your hands and feet – feel your way around the obstruction and try to push or pull it out.