Business and Management

Unplugged Fun: Screen-Free Vacation Care Activities for Teens

As the prevalence of screens and technology continues to dominate the lives of teenagers, it's more important than ever to provide opportunities for teens to unplug and engage in screen-free activities. Vacation care is the perfect time for teens to take a break from their devices, connect with nature, and participate in hands-on activities that promote creativity, social interaction, and physical activity. In this article, we'll explore a variety of screen-free vacation care activities that are sure to keep teens entertained and engaged during their time off.

Outdoor Adventures

Spending time outdoors is a great way for teens to disconnect from their screens and enjoy the beauty of nature. Here are some screen-free outdoor activities that are perfect for vacation care:


  • Choose a nearby trail and organize a group hike with the teens.
  • Encourage them to observe and appreciate the wildlife and plants along the way.
  • Consider packing a picnic lunch to enjoy at the end of the hike.


  • Plan a camping trip to a local campground or even in your backyard.
  • Teens can learn valuable outdoor skills such as setting up tents, starting a campfire, and cooking outdoors.
  • Encourage them to stargaze and share stories around the campfire.

Creative Workshops

Engaging in creative activities can help teens express themselves and tap into their artistic side. Consider offering the following screen-free creative workshops during vacation care:

Art and Craft Workshops

  • Provide teens with art supplies and encourage them to create their own masterpieces.
  • Offer guidance and inspiration for different art techniques such as painting, drawing, and sculpting.
  • Consider organizing a group art project that teens can collaborate on.

DIY Workshops

  • Teach teens how to make their own DIY projects such as jewelry, tie-dye shirts, or room decor.
  • Encourage them to unleash their creativity and personalize their creations.
  • Host a DIY workshop where teens can showcase their finished projects.

Physical Activities

Staying active is important for teens' physical health and well-being. Incorporate screen-free physical activities into vacation care to keep teens moving and energized:

Sports Day

  • Organize a sports day with various activities such as soccer, basketball, relay races, and frisbee.
  • Encourage friendly competition and teamwork among the teens.
  • End the sports day with a cool-down and awards ceremony to celebrate everyone's efforts.

Yoga and Meditation

  • Introduce teens to the benefits of yoga and meditation for relaxation and stress relief.
  • Lead teens through a guided yoga session focusing on breathing and stretching exercises.
  • Conclude the session with a guided meditation to promote mindfulness and inner calm.

Community Service Projects

Engaging in community service projects can help teens develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards others. Consider involving teens in the following screen-free community service activities:

Volunteering at a Local Shelter

  • Arrange for teens to volunteer at a local shelter or food pantry to help those in need.
  • Tasks can include serving meals, organizing donations, or assisting with shelter activities.
  • Encourage teens to reflect on their experience and discuss the importance of giving back to the community.

Environmental Cleanup

  • Organize a community cleanup event where teens can pick up litter in parks, beaches, or local neighborhoods.
  • Provide them with gloves, trash bags, and other cleanup supplies to ensure their safety.
  • Discuss the impact of litter on the environment and the importance of taking care of our planet.

By offering a variety of screen-free vacation care activities for teens, you can help them disconnect from their screens, engage with their peers and surroundings, and develop new skills and interests. Encouraging teens to unplug and enjoy the present moment can have lasting benefits for their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. So, get creative, get active, and get involved in screen-free fun this vacation care season!