Health and Fitness

Why You Need a Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that is used to save a tooth that has been damaged by decay or infection. The procedure involves removing the damaged tissue from the inside of the tooth and then filling and sealing the tooth.

Why you may need a root canal treatment

A root canal treatment is necessary when the nerve of a tooth becomes infected or damaged. The infection or damage can be caused by a deep cavity, cracked tooth, or injury to the tooth. When the nerve is affected, it can cause serious pain and discomfort. A root canal treatment will remove the damaged nerve and save the tooth. If you need of a dentist for root canal treatment you may click this website

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The steps of a root canal treatment

1. The first step of a root canal treatment is to numb the area around the tooth that will be treated. This is done so that you will not feel any pain during the procedure.

2. Next, your dentist will make an opening in the top of your tooth so that they can access the inside of the tooth.

3. Once inside, your dentist will remove the diseased or damaged pulp from your tooth. This pulp is what contains nerves and blood vessels, and it is what gives your tooth its shape and strength.

4. After the pulp has been removed, your dentist will clean and disinfect the inside of your tooth. They may also place a temporary filling in your tooth at this time to help protect it until your permanent restoration is placed.

The benefits of a root canal treatment

There are many benefits of a root canal treatment. A root canal can save your tooth from extraction and help you keep your natural smile. Root canals can also prevent the spread of infection and help to preserve the function of your tooth.

Health and Fitness

How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

The pain and discomfort of sensitive teeth are not pleasant. Inability to enjoy a cup of hot coffee, delicious ice cream, or cotton candy can definitely put a damper on your ability to enjoy food and drinks. There are various causes of this kind of sensitivity, including cavities, receding gums, and tooth enamel.

It is important to get teeth sensitivity treated. You can find the best dentist in Indianapolis, IN through various online sources.

A common characteristic of teet sensitivity is the exposure of nerves in the dental pulp and/or tooth roots. Teeth need nerves to get the nutrients to remain strong and healthy. The roots of the teeth also hold gears safely into the jawbone.

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Teeth Sensitivity Prevention

The most fundamental way to prevent tooth sensitivity is adequate proper oral hygiene. Oral hygiene is a combination of home dental care routine and treatment of dental professionals.

The proper oral hygiene routine at home recommended by dentists are as follows:

– Brush your teeth twice a day for two full minutes

– Floss twice a day, make sure to floss both sides of each tooth

– Use a fluoride toothpaste

– The use of alcohol-free mouthwash

– Replacing your toothbrush every three months

– Use a soft toothbrush medium hairy

– Teeth examination and cleaning by a dentist twice a year 

If you stick to a strict oral care routine, you will significantly lower your chances of suffering from tooth sensitivity.