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Know About The Benefits Of Dance

There are many benefits to dancing. Dancing can be a great way to burn calories and increase fitness, improve moods and emotions, and develop coordination and problem-solving skills. 

Additionally, dance can provide valuable life skills such as discipline, teamwork, communication, and creativity. You can also hop over to this website if you want to join the best dance classes in Vaughan.

Some of the primary benefits of dance include:

-Burn calories: Dance is an excellent way to burn calories. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, people who report dancing at least once a week tend to have lower BMIs than those who do not dance. In addition, vigorous dancing—including jazz, salsa, ballroom, swing, hip-hop/breakdancing—can result in up to 500 extra calories burned per hour!

-Increase fitness: Dance is a great way to increase your fitness level. A 2006 study published in "The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing" found that individuals who regularly performed moderate-to-vigorous exercise had better cardiovascular health than those who did not exercise. 

Moreover, another study published in "Exercise Research" in 2009 found that dancers have better cardiovascular health than non-dancers on average. This indicates that dance can be an effective form of cardio exercise for people of all ages.

-Improve moods and emotions: Dancing can improve moods and emotions by improving our overall physical condition while reducing stress levels.