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What You Need To Know About Beard Transplant

A beard transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of facial hairs (follicular units) from the donor area (usually the back or sides of the scalp) to the recipient area (beard, moustache, or other facial hair area). The procedure is performed for a variety of reasons, including to restore lost facial hair due to medical conditions or to enhance the overall appearance of the face.

Beard transplantation hair restoration in Scottsdale is a revolutionary procedure that has helped many men to regain the confidence they have lost due to hair loss or patchy beards. 

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The procedure typically begins with the donor area being shaved and then a local anaesthetic is applied. The donor hairs are carefully harvested and then transplanted to the recipient area. The transplanted hairs will usually take several weeks to grow and the results can take several months to be fully visible.

In some cases, the transplanted hairs may need to be trimmed or styled to achieve the desired look. The transplanted hairs will need to be cared for and protected from sun exposure and other environmental factors. In general, the transplanted hairs will continue to grow for the life of the individual.

The cost of a beard transplant can vary significantly depending on the number of follicular units transplanted and the complexity of the procedure. The cost can also depend on the expertise of the surgeon and the clinic where the procedure is performed.