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Common Hair Extension Problems and How Protein Sprays Can Help

Many people turn to hair extensions to add length, volume, and style to their hair. While hair extensions can be a great way to achieve the desired look, they can also come with a few challenges. From tangles and shedding to dryness and breakage, there are several common hair extension problems that can arise. Protein aerosol are used to nourish and strengthen the hair, making it less likely to tangle and matt. 

  • Tangles and Matting: One of the most common issues faced by those with hair extensions is tangling and matting. This occurs when the hair extensions become knotted and intertwined, making it difficult to brush or style the hair. 
  • Shedding: Another common issue with hair extensions is shedding. Shedding occurs when the hair extensions start to lose strands, leading to thinning and reduced volume. This can be frustrating, especially for those who have invested time and money in their extensions.
  • Dryness and Breakage: These are two more common problems that individuals with hair extensions may encounter. Hair extensions, especially those made from synthetic materials, can lack the natural oils that keep the hair moisturized. 
  • Color Fading: Many individuals choose to color their hair extensions to match their natural hair or experiment with new shades. However, over time, the color of the extensions can fade, leaving them looking dull and lackluster.


Hair extensions can transform your look and give you the hair of your dreams. However, they can also come with a few challenges. From tangles and shedding to dryness and breakage, these common hair extension problems can be frustrating. Fortunately, protein sprays offer an effective solution. By incorporating protein sprays into your hair care routine, you can keep your hair extensions tangle-free, reduce shedding, prevent dryness and breakage, and maintain the vibrancy of colored extensions.