Business and Management

All About Refined Coconut Oil

Have you ever tried coconut oil? You've probably received this offer before – either as a remedy for chapped lips and split ends, as an indispensable addition to your weight loss plan, or even as a natural plant-based lubricant. 

Yes, this miracle oil has been trending for several years, and for good reason: these healthy coconut oil (refined) are loaded with medium-chain triglycerides that are believed to benefit the skin and have the potential to improve heart and metabolic health.

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The processing steps used to make refined coconut oil can include degumming, particularly cold baths for coconut oil to remove naturally formed gums; Neutralization, a process that removes free fatty acids to prevent the risk of oxidation.

Bleaching, which contains no bleach at all, but is achieved by sifting the clay; and finally, deodorization, where the oil is heated to remove the aroma and taste of the coconut.

Refined coconut oil is almost completely tasteless and odorless and has a smoke point slightly higher than 400 degrees Fahrenheit. It should also be noted that processing is usually associated with a loss of nutritional value, but refined coconut oil is not. 

The refining process does not affect the medium-chain triglycerides or the amount of lauric acid and saturated fat in the final product. In other words, there's no reason to go without refined coconut oil, especially if you can't control the taste of coconut.