Health and Fitness

The Need Of Maternal Health Care

Every child deserves a good start in life, and every mother should have access to quality care during pregnancy and childbirth. The birth of a new child should be a time of celebration, and yet for several women around the world, it is time to fear.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 800 women die every day from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. You can find maternal health care via

maternal health care

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The bulk of these deaths could be stopped given the care and resources. Most of those deaths occur in the South and are especially high in rural areas.

In these remote areas, women, children, and newborns are often the most vulnerable to health problems. Health centers may be difficult to achieve, and without other forms of transportation available to them, women and children must sometimes walk for days to get there.

All these circumstances discourage mothers to visit health facilities through pregnancy and giving birth, and often rely instead on traditional birth assistants (TBAs) in the area as their only source of livelihood for maternal health. The status of TBA is transmitted by generations of women and is an extremely valued role in the community.

However, these women rarely have access to health education, leaving them without the skills or the tools to identify and address the difficulties of childbirth. Overall, the lack of infrastructure, transport, and training facilities for women and newborns still die in childbirth.