Health and Fitness

What can be done about tired and aching feet at the end of the day?

After a long day of work, it's common for your feet to feel achy and tired. There are many different causes, but the biggest issue is just standing all day, especially if on a hard floor.

Tips to help soothe aching feet:

Rest and elevate your feet: Find a comfortable position and elevate your feet to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. This can help relieve the pressure and provide some relief to your aching feet.

Soak your feet in warm water: Fill a basin or tub with warm water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. You can add Epsom salt or a few drops of essential oils like lavender or peppermint for added relaxation and pain relief.

Massage your feet: Use your hands, a tennis ball, or a foot roller to massage your feet. Apply gentle pressure and knead the muscles and arches of your feet. Focus on areas that feel particularly sore. This helps improve circulation and relaxes the muscles.

Apply a cold compress: If your feet are swollen or inflamed, you can apply a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a towel. This can help reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing temporary pain relief.

Use foot creams or lotions: Apply a moisturizing foot cream or lotion that contains ingredients like menthol, eucalyptus, or peppermint. These ingredients can provide a cooling sensation and help alleviate discomfort.

Wear comfortable shoes and socks: Invest in comfortable, supportive shoes that properly fit your feet. Avoid high heels or shoes that squeeze your toes. Additionally, wear moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and reduce the risk of blisters.

Stretch and exercise your feet: Perform simple foot exercises and stretches to relieve tension and strengthen the muscles. For example, you can flex your toes, rotate your ankles, or use your toes to pick up small objects from the floor.

Practice good foot hygiene: Wash your feet daily, keep them clean, and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Maintaining good foot hygiene can prevent infections and minimize discomfort.

If you do suffer from persistent tired legs and feet, then see a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and discuss what treatment options there are.

Health and Fitness

Getting the best information on foot care

Feet are a complicated section of the body with so many bones, joint, ligaments, muscles along with the nerves and blood vessels. This area of the body also becomes confronted with lots of trauma as we walk around on the foot and also put that foot into the unnatural setting of the footwear. Much might go wrong with the feet, that there is an entire profession specialized in managing and preventing problems associated with the foot. Podiatric doctors do nothing else but treat that area of the human body. Having said that there is lots of information on the web concerning how to self-care for almost all of the issues that could go wrong with the foot. As to if that is advisable or not is one thing which might be debated. Self-care of foot problems is usually a good option when the issue is simple and not really serious and, most importantly, is identified properly. It can be a terrible idea to deal with any medical condition by yourself if the sel-diagnosis is completely wrong as this could have significant implications. The hazards of Dr Google are well reported and reviewed.

Lots of the conditions could be self-managed and there are a variety of websites which provide both foot care products and advice as well. Many of them will also offer cautions in regards to the risk and hazards of not seeing a doctor if you want to go on that path. Many of them, such as are generally linked to podiatry offices, so that they are incredibly acquainted with the products that they market as well as the information which they give. Probably a practical compromise in these kinds of instances will be to see a podiatrist to begin with for your foot problem to get the diagnosis right and then check out the self-care choices which are offered after that. This should be carried out with suitable information.

Health and Fitness

How does the PediRoller work at helping foot pain?

The foot is a common place to get pain as it is the part of your body that we walk on, so its the subject of a lot of strain walking and running on it. In addition to that we also put the foot into the artificial conditions of a shoe, which is not likely healthy or natural. When foot pain develops, there are numerous different professionals and treatment options which could be consulted and used to treat the pain. Every different profession is likely to place the emphasis on different therapy techniques. For example, Podiatric doctors could possibly approach foot pain differently to a physiotherapist.

Massage therapy is one of the many different physical therapy techniques which can be used to assist with foot pain. Afterall, who does not feel much better after a foot massage. There are a variety of products available on the market which are useful for helping with a massage or giving a massage like affect. One of those is a item produced by a Podiatric doctor named the PediRoller. To work with this product, the information say to place it on the ground and move the foot from heel to toes and back again on the roller. It is suggested that those with foot pain do this for 3 to 5 minutes every day or two times a day. The roller is great for disorders like plantar fasciitis as well as heel pain as it can be used to stretch out the ligaments under the feet which are generally inflammed in those sorts of problems. Another advantage of this PediRoller is that it may be placed in a freezer to make it frozen. Using it when cold provides the extra advantage of having the identical affect as using ice. The cold from ice is particularly helpful at decreasing both inflammation and pain and can help virtually any kind of foot injury during the early stages.

Health and Fitness

Should you use the short foot exercise?

There are lots of exercises which might be used as part of the rehabilitation of foot disorders. The purpose of these exercises are generally to strengthen and stretch muscles as well as mobilise the joints. They are among the many tools that foot specialists use to manage a wide range of foot conditions. One exercise that has been receiving a lot of recent interest is one called the short foot exercise. This exercise is done standing and the muscles in the arch of the foot are contracted to shorten the foot. This is alleged to strengthen the arch of the foot. If you consider some of the unsupported claims online concerning this exercise, it will cure almost anything that can go wrong with the foot, which is clearly not the case.

Perhaps the biggest issue with this exercise is the blind faith and opinion that so many believe that it might cure so many of the problems that could go wrong with the foot, when there’s actually virtually no scientific evidence that it is useful for anything. Simply proclaiming that something is effective and hoping that is it does not ensure it is so. That’s the logical fallacy of wishful thinking. For the short foot exercise to be effective it will take time to develop the strength. Plenty of foot problems get better after a while, so there isn’t any way of figuring out if people improved purely because of this natural history or because the short foot exercise does actually help. That doesn’t suggest that there is something wrong with the exercise and that it must not be used. It could be that the exercise is a very useful and good one. It simply implies that the clinical studies have not been done and a lot of belief ought not to be put in any therapy which does not have clinical research to underpin its use. By all means keep using the short foot exercise, however use it in the understanding of these problems that are well known about this.