Health and Fitness

Healthy Baby Sleep for Busy Parents

Everybody has been rethinking baby sleep. Gain confidence, feel calm, and help your baby be amazing.

1. The sofa sleeps next to you

Get the help you need from a certified baby sleep coach. Set goals with your coach, from simple tips to complete sleep plans. You can click over here to download an app to chat with a professional advisor, so you don't need to make an appointment. Your designated coach will monitor daily and discuss improvements for the evening. The trainers have one goal in mind to help your baby sleep better.

2. We cover your night

Perfect Sleep Mode is your helper at night. Our innovative sound program helps your baby relax, fall asleep and reduce the need to wake up.

Most people don't believe in white noise reproduction at night, sleep advisors recognize when your baby wakes up and makes a sound to release it. Everyone avoids making noises as an association with sleep. Thanks to this unique technology, the app automatically records the night without uploading sound to the cloud.

3. Curated content

The team of experts: pediatricians, psychologists and certified sleep coaches have created a comprehensive guide to help you understand your baby's sleep.

With the content included, people want to give you the opportunity to make the best decisions about your child's sleep by setting your goals and achieving your goals.