Health and Fitness

Reduce The Risk Of Scars: The Best Acne Treatment Is Prevention

Acne affects around 40 to 50 million people. The causes of this disease are diverse and manifest themselves differently for different people. Finding the best treatment is important for symptom relief, but often, even when a person no longer has active lesions, the battle against acne may be far from over.

The scars that remain after the skin is damaged can be as worrying to people as acne. It should be noted that not everyone gets scars. Some people are more prone to scarring than others. However, there are certain risk factors that can increase the chance of scarring. You can now also get the best acne treatment in Melbourne.

Ask Your Dermatologist

The certified dermatologist has the experience and knowledge to treat acne symptoms in the best possible way. Under their care, they can develop an effective treatment program.

Do not make changes to your treatment plan unless directed by your dermatologist. Even after your acne lesions have cleared up, do not stop taking your prescribed medications or follow your treatment regimen, unless directed by your doctor.

Often times, acne treatment can be tapered off over time and stopped completely if there are no signs of new acne breakouts. However, it is always best to follow the advice of a trusted doctor before taking any action.

Use The Right Skincare Products

You may be tempted to try to relieve acne symptoms and make your lesions less visible by cracking, squeezing, and picking them. It's usually best not to touch the lesion as much as possible.

Breaking the skin to dry out the lesion can be a sure way to ensure that you have some degree of scarring. Another common method of self-healing is to scrub the skin vigorously.

This may seem like a wise idea, but in reality, it often makes acne worse than better. Using gentle washes under the guidance of a dermatologist offers an optimal perspective.